Maniac Mansion was a game in the DoTT universe, which makes sense of the fact that the full Maniac Mansion game is playable on the computer in Ed's room

A word play of Kelly Flock, the general manager of LucasArts when DoTT was released

"Zach" refers to Zach Chan, the son of Peter Chan, the lead artist on Day of the Tentacle.

Later options in this dialog tree mention Guybrush and a "nice three headed monkey effect"

This is actually true, making it the only historically accurate part of the game.

Green Tentacle has a helmet on his shelf from the hit Hollywood movie "Star Wars."

Simmilar to "that's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen" from The Secret of Monkey Island.

If you talk to Weird Ed Edison about his new hamster, he'll mention that he once had a white hamster with spots "But, something...happened to him," and all Ed can remember about the traumatic incident is a horrifying "DING!" sound in his nightmares. This is a reference to an ability in the original Maniac Mansion for Syd or Razor to put Ed's hamster in the microwave and blow it up. If you choose to show the rodent's remains to Ed, he'll kill you in a fit of rage. The hamster-in-the-microwave is also referenced later in DOTT when Laverne has to put the frozen hamster inside the microwave from the future.

Perhaps that rubber chicken should have a pully in the middle, like the one in The Secret of Monkey Island?