If you put money in the well in Bumpusville you can get a joke ending
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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Among the toys you can shoot in the credits are R2-D2 and the Purple Tentacle
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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Dorothy said this line in The Wizard of Oz
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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Obi-Wan said the same line (with several replaced with millions) in Star Wars
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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Zak McKracken was told to investigate a sighting of a two headed squirrel.
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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In The Empire Strikes Back, Yoda said "Do or do not. There is no try."
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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Max is quoting the 1990 LucasArts adventure game Loom
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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A little in-game advertisement
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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In Star Wars C-3PO remarks that he and R2-D2 "have been through a lot together".
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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Another instance of the famous quote from Monkey Island 1
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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An homage to the opening scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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"Clint baby" refers to the action actor Clint Eastwood
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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007 refers to James Bond, whose spy codename is 007
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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Max is referring to "I am the Walrus", a song by The Beatles released in 1967
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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The vegetable on the bottom left is horror movie director Alfred Hitchcock
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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These vegetables are supposed to be The Beatles. "Mop tops" was a term for their hairstyle.
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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Sam is referring to Harrison Ford, who starred in the Indiana Jones films
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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A reference to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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Skylab was the corporation that made the terminators in the Terminator film series
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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An "E" ticket was a ticket to the best rides at Disneyland (an E ticket was in Monkey Island 2)
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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The rabbit head says "Whatta maroon" like Bugs Bunny in the Looney Tunes shorts
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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Are you the gate keeper? (A reference to the Rick Moranis character in Ghostbusters)
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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Sam is referencing film director Stephen Spielberg, creator of the basic plotline for The Dig
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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Princess Leia's hologram projection from Star Wars
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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The Monkey Head from Monkey Island 1 is at the Gator Golf range
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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Bernard from Day of the Tentacle works at Snuckeys (as a joke on how all Stuckey's are the same, Bernard appears at all three locations with different combinations of his glasses and mustache)
Sam and Max Hit the Road
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Blatant reference in the pizza brand. Perhaps a bonus reference to Rapp Scallion of MI2 fame in Sam's costume? Nah.