Gel-Arshie says this line the same way Hugh Bliss introduces himself in Sam & Max Season One.

"These belong in a museum" is a variation of a line Indiana Jones said in the film The Last Crusade.

Strong Bad's drawing of Dangeresque's office looks like Sam & Max's office.

One of the cards is the Embarrassing Idol time card from Sam & Max Season Two: Chariots of the Dogs

The secret shirt in Dangeresque 3 is the Bearalope from Graham Annable's Dank webcomic on the Telltale website. To get the shirt, jump off of the ledge in the Snap Shak until Strong Bad lands upside down (you can't be wearing a costume for this to work). Now try to enter the door from the bottom. If all goes well, Strong Bad should now be wearing the shirt.

One of the backgrounds in the Snap Shak is Sam & Max's street from Sam & Max Season Two

Sam & Max's commissioner calls the wrong impulsive detective

The secret shirt in Baddest of the Bands is of the Queen Bee from Fright of the Bumblebees, the first episode of Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures. To get the shirt, jump off of the ledge in the Snap Shak until Strong Bad lands upside down (you can't be wearing a costume for this to work). Now try to enter the door from the bottom. If all goes well, Strong Bad should now be wearing the shirt.

One of the backgrounds in the Snap Shak is from Sam & Max Season One: Bright Side of the Moon

If you achieve the highest awesomeness ranking in Strong Badia The Free, you get a Max skull and crossbones shirt

The secret shirt in Strong Badia the Free is Telltale Games' Kevin Bruner, as drawn by Graham Annable for the Telltale Blog. To get the shirt, jump off of the ledge in the Snap Shak until Strong Bad lands upside down (you can't be wearing a costume for this to work). Now try to enter the door from the bottom. If all goes well, Strong Bad should now be wearing the shirt.
One of the backgrounds in the Snap Shak is from Bone: The Great Cow Race

If you click on the light above The Cheat in the Snap Shak in episode 1, your cursor will change to the Max skull and crossbones shirt

A secret shirt that Strong Bad can wear in the Snap Shak is of Nutter the Squirrel from Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures. To get the shirt, If you click on the light right above the cheat in the Snap Shak, your pointer changes to a shirt. If you put the shirt on Strong Bad, it changes to the Nutter shirt.

Strong Bad's refrigerator only containing a lone jar of mayonnaise is probably a reference to Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, where Indy's refrigerator was also empty except for a single jar of mayo.