Trivia from Psychonauts

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Raz originally had a different design and a different name: Dart, short for D’Artagnan Alstublieft. The first name is a reference to Charles de Batz de Castelmore d’Artagnan, a French musketeer; the surname is Dutch for “please.” Character designer Scott Campbell stated the Dart was too weird looking, and replaced him with who we now know as Raz. Dart does appear in Psychonauts during the end cutscene, where you can see him stick his head out from an outhouse. Source: The Color of the Sky in Your World, Part 2.

Game: Psychonauts
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Raz makes an appearance in “Alice: Madness Returns.”

Game: Psychonauts
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The line "Admiral Cruller, that canoe....are love with it?" and more specifically, the way Raz delivers it, is a reference to a line by Salvador to Manny in Grim Fandango.

Game: Psychonauts
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“It's a tunnel that opens to a system of catacombs” is a reference to the infamous Disk 22 joke in “The Secret of Monkey Island.”

Game: Psychonauts
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Psychonauts has a "1337 speak" cheat! Learn how to activate it.

Game: Psychonauts

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