This is not the first time Sam and Max have encountered creepy animatronic singing animal heads.

A portrait of Sam & Max creator Steve Purcell graces the Oval Office.

This line, heard when Sam tries to put Jimmy Two-Teeth in Bosco's microwave, is a reference to the ability in Maniac Mansion and its sequel Day of the Tentacle for the player to put a hamster in the microwave (in the former case it was an unnecessary gag, in the latter part of a puzzle). In Maniac Mansion the characters of Syd or Razor could put Weird Ed's hamster inside the microwave and blow it up, which caused something of a controversy when the game was ported to the Nintendo. Reportedly, Nintendo was very upset when they found out about it, and as a result PAL versions of the NES release remove the ability. Sam will also say the line when trying to put Jimmy in the freezer, a reference to DOTT. See also: DOTT injokes.

Max wants to know if the spoon-bending talisman will work on wrenches. Getting a wrench bent by a mind bender was an integral part of solving one of Hit the Road's puzzles.

Otis had an Aunt Tillie in The Secret of Monkey Island. It was her carrot cake that Guybrush finds the file in.

The fifth episode parodies an RPG battle in one of many video game related jokes.

Sam and Max learn that Bosco's bank password is simply, well, Bosco. This is possibly a reference to an episode of Seinfeld wherein George Costanza also uses Bosco as his bank card password, named after his favorite type of chocolate milk.

So says Sam after Max points out that they've been flattened to two dimensions.

Max's critique of the C.O.P.S. in-development video game mirrors popular forum complaints of the episodes.

"Bossy" was the name of one of the cows in Telltale's other adventure game, Bone: The Great Cow Race. The same model is also used.

The full line, "Die! Why won't you die!" is very similar to a line in the trailer for the cancelled Freelance Police.

This line is very similar to the opening description in the legendary text adventure Zork

This exact exchange was held between Harry Weinhead and Boris Krinkle in Telltale Texas Hold'em

Indeed he does, probably because Boris Krinkle's character model was lifted directly from Telltale Texas Hold'em! This is also a mirror of a line from that game.

Bosco is fresh out, but they were very necessary inventory items in Hit the Road

Max cuts Bosco off before he can list Telltale as one of the many forces out to get him

Even if Max doesn't, you might from the Bad Day on the Moon comic or the episode of the Sam & Max cartoon series adapted from it

A reference to Hit the Road, foreshadowing for the third episode, or both?

A reference to the famous line from the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade graphic adventure that was spoofed by Monkey Island and others

...which was also one of the ingredients of grog as revealed in The Secret of Monkey Island